New Release: SheetMetal Inventor 2019

SheetMetal Inventor

10. August 2018

We are happy to announce that the 2019 version of SheetMetal Inventor – our sheet metal design and unfolding add-in for Autodesk Inventor – is available for download as of today.


Autodesk Inventor 2019

The newest release of Autodesk Inventor comes with enhanced performance as well as tools for improving mechanical engineering design workflows. Some of the most interesting new features include 3D modelling tool updates for sheet metal faces, enhanced corner relief options, as well as new iLogic assembly functions. Read more about it here.


SheetMetal Inventor 2019

SheetMetal Inventor 2019 brings you more than just adaptation to Inventor 2019. From faster loading times to new commands and improved functionality, we have worked hard to deliver valuable improvements to our software.

Here’s a few selected features that we’re certain will make your design and manufacturing process smoother:

  • TruTops Boost Import
  • New command to unfold all iParts of a component
  • Learning tool recognition now supports field functions
  • Improved flange relief functionality


Would you like to find out more or to download SheetMetal Inventor 2019?

Contact us!
