Video Series Part 4: Bend Reliefs

Sheet metal bend reliefs

3. September 2019

If you design sheet metal for bending, you know how important it is to add bend reliefs in your model. And how vital it is to make sure that those bend reliefs are suited not only for the material thickness but also for the bend radius.

But how do you ensure that your model has accurate bend reliefs?

SPI SheetMetalWorks and SPI SheetMetal Inventor offer 12 different corner relief types that can be easily inserted in your model. Once you have specified how your bend reliefs should look like, you will always get an accurate flat pattern. No more manual corrections, no matter how often you update your unfolding.

Click play to learn more!

Bend Reliefs with SPI SheetMetal Solutions

Previously in the Video Series

Learning tool recognition

A super useful function for those who frequently work with imported sheet metal parts.

Data output formats

Simultaneously generate several different output formats during unfolding, e.g., DXF, GEO, XML.

Unfolding assemblies

Assign material data and other settings to all sheet metal parts and unfold them with a single click.
